AWS SES vs SendGrid

November 19, 2021

AWS SES vs SendGrid

So, you're looking to deploy your cloud applications and aren't sure which email service provider to choose? Look no further! In this post, we'll compare two popular cloud email service providers: AWS Simple Email Service (SES) and SendGrid.

User Interface

The User Interface is one of the most important aspects of any email service provider. Both providers have user-friendly interfaces, but SendGrid's interface is more intuitive and easier to use, especially for those new to email marketing.

Winner: SendGrid


The main goal of email marketing is to get your emails delivered to your subscribers' inbox. AWS SES and SendGrid both have high deliverability rates, but SendGrid has a slight edge. In fact, according to MailMonitor, SendGrid's overall deliverability rate is 95%, while AWS SES's is 94.9%.

Winner: SendGrid


Both AWS SES and SendGrid provide a wide range of features, including email marketing, transactional emails, and APIs for custom integrations. AWS SES also provides features like DKIM, email feedback forwarding, and reputation management, which gives it an edge over SendGrid in terms of security and email credibility.

Winner: AWS SES


Pricing is another essential factor to consider. SendGrid has a freemium pricing model, which means that it is free up to a certain email volume (100 emails/day). After that, pricing starts at $15/month for up to 10,000 emails. AWS SES, on the other hand, charges per email sent, with rates starting at $0.10/thousand emails. Therefore, depending on your email volume, one may be cheaper than the other.

Winner: Depends on your email volume


Lastly, support is an important factor to consider when choosing an email service provider. SendGrid provides 24/7 email support, while AWS SES's support is available during business hours only.

Winner: SendGrid


In conclusion, both AWS SES and SendGrid have their pros and cons, with SendGrid coming out on top in terms of user interface, deliverability, and support, while AWS SES beats SendGrid in features and pricing. Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.


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